

Addlecross is a simple cross addition puzzle game I began when learning about android app development, and had a course that required me to have a finished application. I wanted something simple to program and work with graphically due to the platform, and since puzzles are enjoyable to me I began brainstorming for something that fit the categories. Initial ideas were imagined and tested out on paper until I came up with something that I liked, then began coding it. The initial version was simple and functional, but while it was "finished" for the sake of having an application finished, I kept the project on hand for later.


Later on, when I first began Xanderal Games, I picked it back up and tried recreating it with extra tools to speed up and make the process easier. Along with making it look and run better, I worked on adding more features and modes, such as scaling grid sizes and additional modes. Other than the initial idea and a few lines of code to reference, making the new full version of Addlecross was a process started from scratch and done alone, including code, design, art, and music.

The Global Game Jam

Global Game Jam is a yearly game development event hosted at various locations around the world. Each year there is a random theme revealed as a prompt or topic for the games to be created, and participants have 48 hours to create a game based on that theme. Participants can group up or work alone, and can use whatever engines or tools they prefer, but apart from the bare essentials generally cannot come with material ready. It is an excellent event for people interested in game design to try, if they can stomach such a tight deadline and staying up late. Even if they cannot, the GGJ is for fun and learning rather than a competition. In this section I include some projects from my own participation at the GGJ in previous years.

Click here to check out my past GGJ projects!